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Over +20 videos of exercices and practice
Over +10 guided audios in French and English
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Live 1x/week with Vincent

With T.R.U.S.T. I discovered simple, yet efficient ways to feel more confident, enhance my awareness, my resilience and get control over my fears and tensions. My advice to everyone who is not afraid of what they could accomplish? Dive in and give it your best!

T.R.U.S.T. has given me the freedom to use the tools taught at my convenience. There is a holistic, comprehensive dimension of practice. We work on muscles and stretching, but also context, how we interact with the world, our spirituality.

Step out of your comfort zone and begin to explore a new path: benevolent trust in others and in yourself, attention to all that can occur in these troubled times and vigilant serenity in all circumstances.